Volunteer with DECA

Serve as a competitive events judge or executive mentor and help prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.


Inspire emerging leaders and entrepreneurs

Volunteering with DECA allows you to make a real difference in the preparation of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. Whether it’s by judging competitive events and discovering the detail and depth DECA members put into their projects or sitting down with graduating seniors to answer their questions on college and careers in DECA’s Executive Mentor Program, you’ll begin to see how DECA members are ready to make an impact in our world.


Serve as a Competitive Events Judge

There are many opportunities at the local, association and international career development conference levels to engage as a competitive events judge. There are even virtual opportunities allowing you to judge from anywhere!

Be "wow-ed" by emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.

As a competitive events judge, you’ll connect with DECA members who have been preparing all year long in classrooms for their chance to shine.

  • They’ll share promotional strategies for a case study they just received 10 minutes prior to meeting with you.

  • They’ll passionately explain how they activated their community to get behind an important cause.

  • They’ll unveil a comprehensive marketing strategy for a local business that they developed through their classroom learning.

  • They’ll tell you about their real business (yes, real) and their plans to grow it over the next three years.

  • They’ll give you innovative ideas that you can use in your own company!


Serve as an Executive Mentor

Don’t you wish you had a mentor when you were in high school or college? Now’s your chance to share everything you've learned and wish you would have known with some of today’s most savvy emerging leaders.

Share your business know-how as a mentor.

DECA's Executive Mentor Program is the centerpiece of our Aspire Academy at DECA's International Career Development Conference. The signature event for corporate partners, this program matches an elite group of 60 executives with 600 high school students for interactive roundtable discussions. You’ll be able to share how you achieved career success and advice executives recommend to graduating seniors for college and careers.

Frequently Asked Questions


Contact DECA staff
for more information.

Whitney Milbourne
Grants + Volunteer Manager