This Is How

Nearly 6,000 high school DECA chapter advisors prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for college and careers.

Classroom Resources

Integrate DECA into your classroom instruction

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Chapter Strategy

Develop a thriving local DECA chapter

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Advisor Professional learning

Sharpen your skills as an educator and DECA advisor

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Featured Resources

Best Practices, Models and Samples

As an advisor, DECA provides you with a powerful array of chapter strategy tools and classroom resources that you can integrate into classroom instruction to apply learning, connect to business and promote competition — a key motivator for members. Use the resource center to identify activities from DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program, and implement them as authentic learning experiences to help DECA members develop and apply skills outlined in your curriculum. In addition, advisor professional learning modules are available to assist you in your role as a chapter advisor.

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Business Law
Channel Management
Customer Relations
Earning Income
Emotional Intelligence
Financial Analysis
Financial-Information Management
Human Resources Management
Information Management
Knowledge Management
Managing Credit
Managing Risk
Market Planning
Marketing-Information Management
Product/Service Management
Professional Development
Project Management
Quality Management
Risk Management
Strategic Management
Accounting Applications Series
Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series
Automotive Services Marketing Series
Business Finance Series
Business Growth Plan
Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making
Business Services Marketing Series
Business Services Operations Research
Business Solutions Project
Buying and Merchandising Operations Research
Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making
Career Development Project
Community Awareness Project
Community Giving Project
Entrepreneurship Series
Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making
Finance Operations Research
Financial Consulting
Financial Literacy Project
Financial Services Team Decision Making
Food Marketing Series
Franchise Business Plan
Hospitality Services Team Decision Making
Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research
Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling
Hotel and Lodging Management Series
Human Resources Management Series
Independent Business Plan
Innovation Plan
Integrated Marketing Campaign-Event
Integrated Marketing Campaign-Product
Integrated Marketing Campaign-Service
International Business Plan
Marketing Communications Series
Marketing Management Team Decision Making
Personal Financial Literacy
Principles of Business Management and Administration
Principles of Entrepreneurship
Principles of Finance
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Principles of Marketing
Professional Selling
Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series
Restaurant and Food Service Management Series
Retail Merchandising Series
Sales Project
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making
Start-Up Business Plan
Stock Market Game
Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making
Virtual Business Challenge-Accounting
Virtual Business Challenge-Entrepreneurship
Virtual Business Challenge-Fashion
Virtual Business Challenge-Hotel Management
Virtual Business Challenge-Personal Finance
Virtual Business Challenge-Restaurant
Virtual Business Challenge-Retail
Virtual Business Challenge-Sports
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Contact DECA staff
for more information.

Christopher Young, CAE
Chief Program Officer